The head impulse test is a simple clinical test comprising high accele
ration head rotation. In the presence of a severs unilateral vestibula
r weakness the normal vestibulo-ocular reflex is replaced by a misalig
nment of the eye followed by a series of corrective saccades which are
evident to the examiner. Previous reports have shown the high sensiti
vity of the head impulse test in detecting complete unilateral weaknes
s, but indicate poor sensitivity for mild weaknesses. This prospective
, blinded study examined the head impulse test in a general clinical p
opulation of balance disorder patients to examine the sensitivity and
specificity of the test, and to determine the degree of vestibular wea
kness that is required before the test becomes positive. One hundred a
nd fifty patients were examined and the head impulse :est results were
compared to results from bithermal caloric testing. Results show that
the overall sensitivity of the head impulse test is 34% with a specif
icity of 100%. The test does not detect mild or moderate vestibular we
aknesses but is very sensitive to the presence of a severe paresis (87
.5%). Head impulse testing will not replace caloric testing but is a v
ery useful adjunct to it.