Expression of pS2 protein in 50 primary tumors, metastases and recurre
nt tumors of colorectal carcinomas has been analyzed by immunohistoche
mistry. Sixty percent of the primary tumors were at least focally posi
tive for the antigen. There was no correlation between pS2 expression
and histologic grade of the lesions. In contrast, pS2 expression in T4
and T3 tumors was significantly higher than in T2 carcinomas. Immunor
eactions in carcinomas with distant metastases (MI) were, stronger tha
n in M0 cases. However, this difference did not reach statistical sign
ificance. The presence of lymph node metastases did not correlate with
pS2 expression. High expression of pS2 in T4 and T3 carcinomas togeth
er with the finding of pronounced expression of the antigen at invasio
n fronts in single cases could be interpreted as a function in tumor c
ell invasion and motility. However, in metastases and recurrent tumors
, pS2 expression did not differ from primary lesions (53% positive les
ions). All in all, under consideration of the latter finding in partic
ular and together with the randomly distributed immunopositive tumor c
ells and cell clusters in the majority of cases, it is more likely tha
t the expression pattern of pS2 in colorectal carcinomas is a result o
f overall tumor cell heterogeneity.