This study used immunocytochemistry to explore the expression of cycli
ns A, B, D, and E and the apoptosis-associated Bax: protein in hippoca
mpal sub-fields of 35 lobectomy specimens with medial temporal lobe sc
lerosis removed for the treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), 2 a
ge-matched controls, and 2 elderly patients suffering from drug-respon
sive epilepsy. Cyclins A and D were not detected at all in neuronal nu
clei, Cyclin E was only rarefy detected in neuronal nuclei in drug-con
trolled and TLE groups and in controls. Cyclin B was expressed in sign
ificantly more neuronal. nuclei in the hippocampi in TLE than in the o
ther groups studied. The nuclear expression of these proteins suggeste
d that neurons had reentered the cell division cycle and reached the G
(2) phase. The nuclear expression of cyclin B in the hippocampus from
these patients was accompanied by neuronal cytoplasmic expression of t
he death-related Bar protein. We interpret these neuronal findings as
evidence of cell cycle disturbances and a possible apoptotic mechanism
of hippocampal neuronal cell death in TLE. (C) Academic Press.