The intensity at points where coherent convergent-beam transmission di
ffraction discs overlap is shown to be described by interference betwe
en elements of the same row but different columns of the dynamical sca
ttering matrix for an axial orientation. These intensities are used as
the basis for an exact, nonperturbative inversion of the multiple ele
ctron scattering problem, allowing crystal structure factors to be obt
ained directly from the intensities of multiply scattered Bragg beams.
Eigenvectors of the structure matrix are obtained using coherent CBED
patterns from many crystal orientations. Unique eigenvalues are obtai
ned from these patterns recorded at two accelerating voltages. The ine
vitable variation in electron probe position at different crystal tilt
s is considered. The analysis applies to centrosymmetric crystals with
anomalous absorption, to centrosymmetric projections of acentric crys
tals and to acentric crystals if the mean absorption potential only is
included. The method would allow the direct synthesis of charge-densi
ty maps of unknown crystal structures at high resolution from multiple
scattering data, using a scanning transmission electron microscope (S
TEM). The resolution of this map may be much higher than the first-ord
er d-spacing; however, the STEM need only be capable of resolving this
first-order spacing. Such a charge-density map provides fractional at
omic coordinates and the identification of atomic species (as in X-ray
crystallography) from microcrystalline samples and other multiphase i
norganic materials for which large single crystals cannot be obtained
or X-ray powder patterns obtained or analysed. In summary, we sol ire
the inversion problem of quantum mechanics for the case of electron sc
attering from a periodic potential, described by the nonrelativistic S
chrodinger equation, in which the scattering is given as a function of
some parameter, and the potential sought.