One of the current trends in the research on Al applied to computer as
sisted learning is the area of Computer Supported Collaborative Learni
ng (CSCL). A CSCL environment should include software elements that as
sist the learners in the application of the domain knowledge and promo
te opportunities of effective collaboration and learning. In this pape
r we present a CSCL environment based on two kinds of intelligent agen
ts, domain agents and mediator agents, modeled based on ideas from dis
tributed artificial intelligence. The domain agents are able to assist
the learners in the application of domain knowledge elements. In orde
r to support the collaboration between learners each mediator agent co
nstructs and maintains a learner model represented as a set of beliefs
about the capabilities, commitments, intentions and learning opportun
ities of its learner. Mediator agents cooperate by exchanging their be
liefs about the capabilities of their learners and proposing the pract
ice of those knowledge elements that promote assistance among learners
, keeping the group heterogeneous and collaborative. Based on its lear
ner model the mediator agent is able to support awareness in the envir
onment and maintain the learning possibilities of its learner in a com
munity of practice. This framework provides a collaborative environmen
t for second language learning based on an implementation of the theor
etical concepts of social learning (Vygotsky, L. S., 1978, Mind in Soc
iety: the Development of Higher Psychological Processes. London: Harva
rd University Press) and agent oriented programming (Shoham, Y., 1993,
Agent-oriented programming. Artificial Intelligence, 60, 51-92). (C)
1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.