Microstructural and rheological properties of high-pressure treated mi
xed and pure gels of gelatin and whey protein concentrate (WPC) were s
tudied at pH 7.5 and 5.4. The microstructure was studied using light m
icroscopy and transmission electron microscopy, and the rheological pr
operties using dynamic oscillatory measurements and tensile tests. The
results showed that the high-pressure treatment induced a higher degr
ee of aggregation for the pure WPC gels, compared with a conventional
heat-treatment, showing a network that consisted of larger aggregates
and pores, lending to a weaker gel strength. The pure gelatin networks
were unaffected by the high-pressure treatment. Differences in rheolo
gical properties were, however, found between pressurized and unpressu
rized gelatin gels. At pH 5.4, the high-pressure treated mixed gels fo
rmed a phase-separated network with a gelatin continuous phase and a d
iscontinuous WPC phase The rheological properties of the mixed gels fo
llowed those of pure gelatin independently of the WPC concentration. A
t pH 7.5, the rheological properties of the high-pressure treated mixe
d gels indicated a higher degree of gelatin continuity compared with t
he heat-treated mixed gels. The microstructural studies showed a dense
network in which neither the gelatin nor the WPC network could be ide