In order to evaluate the role of conditions at conception in the risk
of miscarriage, we sent 234 women with at least two consecutive miscar
riages after conceptions from the same partner a short questionnaire a
sking for the birth dates of their mothers and their live or stillborn
siblings and the occurrence of any maternal miscarriages. Complete in
formation was provided by 186 respondents. Using matched logistic regr
ession, we investigated whether these women were born more often than
their siblings (total n=578) to young (less than or equal to 19 years)
or relatively old (greater than or equal to 40 years) mothers or shor
tly after a preceding pregnancy (born within 1 year). We also evaluate
d whether they showed a different month-of-birth distribution. No incr
eased odds ratios were found for young or advanced maternal age, or fo
r short preceding birth intervals. However, relative to their siblings
, cases showed a deviant month-of-birth distribution (p=0.08) with a p
eak in (late) winter. These results indicate that low and high materna
l age and short preceding birth intervals are not determinants of the
risk of miscarriage in the daughter. They also suggest that there may
be seasonally varying factors that prenatally influence the risk of mi