Hhf. Buchner et K. Mostl, OUTBREAK OF AN EQUINE HERPESVIRUS-INFECTI ON (EHV-1) IN AN UNIVERSITYCLINIC, Wiener Tierarztliche Monatschrift, 85(3), 1998, pp. 87-93
An outbreak of an EHV-1 infection in an university clinic is reported.
15 horses out of 20 horses stabled at the clinic had fever and respir
atory signs of varying degrees, one horse showed nervous system sympto
ms with ataxia and four horses were clinically healthy. Diagnosis was
based on the significant elevation of EHV-1 antibodies in paired serum
samples. EHV-1 was isolated from nasal swab-samples of two horses. On
ly four of the animals were vaccinated regularly; one of them remained
healthy, the others had signs of EHV-1 infection. The vaccination pro
blems are discussed and the importance of a vaccination of complete st
ables is indicated. Treatment included antibiotics, bronchodilatators
and expectorants, paramunity-inducer, corticosteroids and DMSO in the
horse with neurological signs.