A novel line-interative uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is proposed
that offers the characteristics of an ''on-line'' or ''inverter-prefe
rred'' UPS [which incorporates a pulse-width modulation (PWM) rectifie
r] at a reduced cost. This new UPS is based on the combination of two
full-bridge VSI converters: one in series with the input and the other
in parallel with the load. The UPS acts as a line conditioner and out
put-voltage stabilizer in the presence of input power while charging t
he battery at a controlled rate, In case of loss of input power, the U
PS can make a seamless transition to backup mode while supplying the l
oad with a controlled sinusoidal voltage, drawing power from the batte
ry. The series converter sees only a small percentage of the input vol
tage (typically, 10%-20%) while carrying the input current and therefo
re has a small kilovoltampere rating. The parallel converter supplies
the load during blackout and hence determines the total kilovoltampere
rating of the UPS. The reduced kilovoltampere rating of the series co
nverter results in reduced system cost compared to conventional on-lin
e systems without sacrificing any desirable characteristics. A laborat
ory version of the proposed UPS has been built to demonstrate the clai
med capabilities, and both simulation and experimental results are inc
luded in the paper.