OBJECTIVE: Telomerase activity, which is undetectable in most mature n
ormal tissues, has been identified in many types of human cancers, inc
luding neuroblastomas and oligodendrogliomas. These findings suggest t
hat a novel mechanism in addition to activation of oncogenes and inact
ivation of tumor suppressor genes may play an important role in tumori
genesis. The goal of the present study was to assess and correlate the
telomerase activity in astrocytic gliomas of different grades. METHOD
S: Telomere repeat amplification protocol and Southern blot hybridizat
ion with telomere-specific probes were used to detect telomerase activ
ity and to measure terminal restriction fragment length, respectively.
RESULTS: Telomerase activity was detected in 3 of 9 (33%) low-grade a
strocytomas (World Health Organization Grade II), 5 of 11 (45%) anapla
stic astrocytomas (World Health Organization Grade III), 36 of 41 (89%
) glioblastomas multiforme (World Health Organization Grade IV), 3 of
4 (75%) oligodendrogliomas, and none of 4 normal brain specimens. CONC
LUSION: We demonstrated that telomerase activity is absent in normal b
rain tissues while present in most glioma samples (72%). The frequency
of such activity increases with malignancy. These results suggest tha
t telomerase activity may be used as a tumor marker and that the activ
ation of telomerase may correlate with initiation and malignant progre
ssion of astrocytic tumors.