OBJECTIVE: Dural sinus thrombosis has rarely been associated with clos
ed head injury. We present a unique case involving the use of endovasc
ular thrombolysis in the treatment of traumatic dural sinus thrombosis
, which has not been reported. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 20-year-old ma
le patient suffered a severe closed head injury while skiing. He devel
oped refractory elevated intracranial pressure requiring barbiturate c
oma. Angiography demonstrated thrombosis of the dominant right transve
rse and sigmoid sinuses, with partial thrombosis of the superior sagit
tal sinus. Urokinase was administered via a microcatheter within the t
hrombus as a bolus of 250,000 units and then as a continuous infusion
of 60,000 to 100,000 units per hour for 48 hours. The patient was main
tained in a barbiturate coma and heparinized. Serial angiography was p
erformed to assess the sinus patency and efficacy of thrombolysis. RES
ULTS: After 48 hours of thrombolysis, angiography demonstrated normal
patency of the superior sagittal, right transverse, and right sigmoid
sinuses. The intracranial pressure decreased after thrombolysis and wa
s manageable with conventional techniques. Within 48 hours of the comp
leted thrombolysis, the barbiturates were withdrawn and the patient's
neurological status rapidly improved until the time of discharge 2 wee
ks later. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: This case documents a rare instan
ce of traumatic dural sinus thrombosis resulting from a closed head in
jury. In addition, endovascular thrombolysis resulted in subsequent op
ening of the dural sinuses and effective intracranial pressure managem
ent, despite the presence of a hemorrhagic contusion. Heparin was effe
ctive in maintaining sinus patency and was used safely in conjunction
with urokinase in this setting of head injury.