Research to initially construct and evaluate the Decisional Process In
ventory (DPI; Hartung, 1994) revealed its potential use for assessing
progress and problems in career decision making (Hartung, 1995). Advan
cing this preliminary area of instrument research and development, we
report on a study that evaluated a revised version of the measure, the
DPI-R. Results from a sample of 183 undergraduate college students (8
2 women, 101 men) supported the DPI-R item content validity, scale con
struct validity, and concurrent validity. Factor analysis yielded thre
e factors relating to contact and resistance processes described in a
Gestalt model of career decision making and career indecision. Future
research with the DPI-R should focus on refining the measure to maxima
lly assess these three latent dimensions of the Gestalt Career Decisio
n-Making Cycle. Ultimately, the DPI-R may contribute unique data for c
areer assessment and counseling practice focused on resolving career i