It has been suggested that supply curves may be negatively sloped unde
r conditions of output price uncertainty and risk aversion if the effe
ct of an increase in expected price is offset by the effect of an asso
ciated increase in uncertainty/risk. This hypothesis, first articulate
d by Schultz and given a more rigorous theoretical exposition by Baron
, is tested using aggregate time series data to estimate a stochastic
model of US agriculture based on a generalized Leontief certainty equi
valent profit function. Evidence of risk aversion and a positive corre
lation between mean output price and its variance are found; however,
these factors are not strong enough to generate perversity. Thus the o
wn-price elasticity of supply of agricultural output is found to be po
sitive with a value of 0.25. Although no evidence of perversity is fou
nd, the empirical results suggest that ignoring price uncertainty may
bias estimates of aggregate supply response downwards by between 5% an
d 47%. As well as testing the Schultz-Baron hypothesis, the paper demo
nstrates how the dual approach to applied production analysis can be e
xtended to cover production under output price uncertainty.