Systemic acquired resistance is an inducible plant defence state, the
activation of which depends mostly on the accumulation of salicylic ac
id (SA). During the past several years, it has been demonstrated that
pretreatment of cultured parsley cells with SA potentiates the elicita
tion of several defence responses that are local in whole plants, incl
uding the accumulation of phenylpropanoid products. Here it is reporte
d that while anionic peroxidase and mannitol dehydrogenase encoding ge
nes are directly responsive to SA, pretreating parsley cells with SA n
ot only enhances elicitation of the phenylpropanoid genes phenylalanin
e ammonia-lyase and 4-coumarate:CoA ligase but also of genes for PR-10
and a hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein. Enhanced induction of these g
enes was seen at low levels of endogenous free SA. Enhancement of phen
ylalanine ammonia-lyase gene activation was proportional to the length
of SA pretreatment. Furthermore, the ability of SA analogues to both
potentiate elicited and directly induce defence gene activation correl
ated with their biological activity to promote plant disease resistanc
e. In summary, these results emphasize that SA has at least a dual rol
e in plant defence gene activation.