Very substantial collections of plant genetic resources have been deve
loped over the last 50 years and current estimates are that over 6 mil
lion accessions ave conserved ex situ. Following the adoption of the G
lobal Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization
of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture by over 150 countr
ies in 1996 if is timely to review current developments and issues in
the availability and use of this significant resource. Availability de
pends On the physical status Of the stored accessions, the information
that exists on them and on the existence Of an international framewor
k for distribution and exchange of material between genebanks and user
s in different countries. Use can lake many forms including direct use
by farmers and cultivators, introduction into plant breeding and germ
plasm enhancement programmes, evaluation and use in research. Improvin
g both availability and use requires sustained programmes of internati
onal collaboration which have always been a feature of work on the con
servation of plant genetic resources. The importance of developing and
maintaining functional national and international networks should be
recognized. Developments in the use of molecular techniques and inform
ation technology are making substantial contributions to germplasm con
servation and use and both areas are likely to play an even greater ro
le in the future.