Mammalian secretory class V phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) is a newly dis
covered PLA(2) that is implicated in eicosanoid formation in inflammat
ory cells. As a first step towards understanding the structure, functi
on and regulation of this PLA(2), we constructed a bacterial expressio
n vector for human secretory class V PLA(2) (hV-PLA(2)), over-expresse
d and purified the protein, and determined its physical and kinetic pr
operties. When compared with human class IIa enzyme (hIIa-PLA(2)), hV-
PLA(2) has several distinct properties. First, hV-PLA(2) can catalyse
the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine more effectively than hIIa-PLA(2
) by two orders of magnitude. Secondly, hV-PLA(2) has much higher bind
ing affinity and activity for compactly packed phosphatidylcholine bil
ayers than hIIa-PLA(2). Finally, hV-PLA(2) has much reduced thermal st
ability compared with hIIa-PLA(2). These data suggest that hV-PLA(2) i
s better suited than hIIa-PLA(2) for acting on the outer cellular memb
rane and liberating arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids. Also
, the unusually low thermal stability of hV-PLA(2) might contribute to
tighter regulation of its activities in extracellular media.