Karyotypic comparisons among five Akodon species showed that they shar
ed a substantial proportion of their chromosome complements, indicated
by distinct homologies between chromosomes, arms, or arm regions desp
ite that this genus is karyotypically rearranged. A comparison with a
related outgroup (Bolomys lasiurus) allowed for the recognition of anc
estral and derived karyotypic traits as well as for inferring the dire
ction of several chromosome rearrangements. This study indicated that
species with lower diploid chromosome number are derived from species
with higher diploid number, mainly by 11 fusions and 1 pericentric inv
ersion while the direction of 5 other rearrangements could not be dete
rmined (fusions or fissions). UPGMA analyses of karyologic data indica
ted a topology like (Bolomys lasiurus (Akodon sp. (A. lindberghi (A. m
ontensis (A. aff. cursor, A. cursor))))).