CM101 is a bacterial polysaccharide that induces neovascular inflammat
ion in malignant tumors, Fifteen patients with refractory malignancies
received CM101 i.v. by a 15-min infusion every other day, three times
in 1 week, at doses ranging from 1 unit (7.5 mu g)/kg to 5 units/kg.
Serum was analyzed for anti-CM101 IgG and IgM weekly, Plasma levels of
inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha, interl
eukin 8, interleukin 10, MIP-1 alpha, and soluble E-selectin, were ana
lyzed from -15 min to 12 h during each treatment. Dose-limiting toxici
ties, including grade IV dyspnea and arrhythmia, were encountered at t
he 5-unit/kg level, Toxicities occurred primarily within the first 12
h after therapy and included mild-to-moderate fever and chills, nausea
, cough, headache, facial flushing, dyspnea, myalgias, and acute tumor
-related pain. No patient developed detectable antibodies to CM101. Al
l patients experienced marked time- and dose-dependent elevations in a
ll cytokines studied. Three patients experienced tumor shrinkage. The
results show that CM101 can be safely administered at doses that produ
ce evidence for severe, and possibly tumor-specific, inflammation. Fur
ther study is necessary to better characterize the mechanism of action
and determine the optimal dose and schedule of this new agent.