Bursting oscillations are commonly seen to be the primary mode of elec
trical behaviour in a variety of nerve and endocrine cells, and have a
lso been observed in some biochemical and chemical systems. There are
many models of bursting. This paper addresses the issue of being able
to predict the type of bursting oscillation that can be produced by a
model. A simplified model capable of exhibiting a wide variety of burs
ting oscillations is examined. By considering the codimension-2 bifurc
ations associated with Hopf, homoclinic, and saddle-node of periodics
bifurcations, a bifurcation map in two-dimensional parameter space is
coated. Each region on the map is characterized by a qualitatively dis
tinct bifurcation diagram and, hence, represents one type of bursting
oscillation. The map elucidates the relationship between the various t
ypes of bursting oscillations. In addition, the map provides a differe
nt and broader view of the current classification scheme of bursting o