Fuel rod in-reactor behaviour is subject to a great number of physical
and chemical processes that take place during irradiation of the nucl
ear fuel elements. The practical difficulties with long-term experimen
tal investigation of an in-reactor fuel rod was a major drawback in ev
aluating the influence of the main fuel rod design and operational par
ameters on its performance. The FRAPCON-2 computer code was used to an
alyse the influence of the major fuel pod design parameters on such sa
fety characteristics as maximum fuel temperature and gas-gap pressure.
Predictions of fuel rod behaviour during normal operation of a Russia
n VVER-type reactor to high burnup values (70 000 MWd/tU) are presente
d and calculations varying the fuel rod design and material parameters
are shown to indicate the strong dependence of important safety chara
cteristics on these parameters. The calculations show the influence of
initial gas-gap pressure, pellet-clad gap width, initial fuel density
and the size of the central hole in the fuel pellet on the fuel assem
bly performance.