The perfectly stratified aquifer has often been investigated as a simp
le, tractable model for exploring new theoretical issues in subsurface
hydrology. Adopting this approach, we show that steady groundwater fl
ows in the perfectly stratified aquifer are always confined to a set o
f nonintersecting permanent surfaces, on which both streamlines and vo
rticity lines lie. This foliation of the flow domain exists as well fo
r steady groundwater flows in any isotropic, spatially heterogeneous a
quifer. In the present model example it is a direct consequence of the
existence of a stream function, we then demonstrate that tracer plume
advection by steady groundwater flow in a perfectly stratified aquife
r is never ergodic, regardless of the initial size of the tracer plume
. This nonergodicity, which holds also for tracer advection in any iso
tropic, spatially heterogenous aquifer, implies that stochastic theori
es of purely advective tracer plume movement err in assuming ergodic b
ehavior to simplify probabilistic calculations of plume spatial concen
tration moments.