Severe winter-kill of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in some gears promp
ts the need for emergency forages in northern locations. Three annual
medic species-barrel medic (M. truncatula Gaertn. cv, Mogul), burr med
ic (M. polymorpha L. cv. Santiago), and snail medic [M. scutellata (L.
) Mill. cv. Sava]-and berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L. cv. Bi
gbee) and 'Nitro' alfalfa were seeded in early spring at East Lansing
and the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) in Michigan in 1994 and 1995.
Forage mass was measured at first harvest 60 d after planting and at
second harvest 30 d later. Forage mass of annual medics at first harve
st ranged from 0.8 to 3.6 Mg ha(-1) across locations and years. Bersee
m clover produced an average forage mass of 2.2 Mg ha(-1) at first har
vest, which was similar to alfalfa. Crude protein (CP) concentration o
f annual medics, berseem, and alfalfa ranged from 111 to 210, 178 to 2
33, and 170 to 218 g kg(-1), respectively, at first harvest. Regrowth
of annual medics (except Mogul) was less than alfalfa or berseem clove
r; however, the regrowth of Mogul was decumbent and not suitable as ha
y. Average forage mass and CP concentration of berseem at second harve
st was 1.8 Mg ha(-1) and 191 g kg(-1), respectively, which was similar
to alfalfa. Our results indicate that both annual medics and berseem
clover can be used as emergency forages in northern Locations; however
, annual medics have the potential for only one harvest, whereas berse
em can be harvested twice during the growing season.