Renovascular disease is a common cause of secondary hypertension. Rena
l artery stenosis is present in up to one third of patients with clini
cal markers suggestive of renovascular hypertension, such as hypertens
ion refractory to medical management, severe hypertension in a young p
atient and worsening of renal function after the use of an angiotensin
-converting enzyme inhibitor. Early discovery of renal artery stenosis
may allow amelioration or cure of the hypertension and halt progressi
ve loss of renal function. Although renal arteriography remains the go
ld-standard aid to diagnosis and to planning surgical intervention, it
is an invasive procedure that may cause deterioration of renal functi
on. In the presence of renal artery stenosis, glomerular filtration is
maintained by angiotensin. Administration of captopril in renal scint
igraphy removes this compensatory mechanism and causes a temporary imp
airment of renal function in the affected kidney. Nuclear tracers can
visualize this impairment, thus allowing assessment of the physiologic
significance of a renal artery stenosis. The test can be done as a ou
tpatient procedure.