Excitation of the ground vibrational levels and nine excited electroni
c states in NO has been simulated for an IBC II aurora. New electron i
mpact excitation cross sections for NO were combined with a measured I
BC II auroral secondary electron energy distribution and the electroni
c-vibrational populations were determined for conditions of statistica
l equilibrium. This model predicts an extended vibrational distributio
n in the NO ground electronic state produced by radiative cascade from
the many higher lying doublet excited electronic states. In addition
to energy storage in the vibrational population of the ground electron
ic state, both the a (4) Pi and L' (2) Phi excited electronic states a
re predicted to have relatively high number densities in aurora. This
extended ground state vibrational distribution is predicted to emit in
frared [IR] radiation from 1.3 to 8.2 mu m and most IR bands are predi
cted to be stronger than band emission from any of the electonic trans