In a previously developed system model, bed and freeboard models were
coupled for the continuous combustion of lignite particles of widely v
aried size distributions, burning in their own ash in a fluidised comb
ustor. This was modified to incorporate a) a procedure for faster comp
utation of particle-size distributions (PSDs) without any sacrifice of
accuracy; b) an energy balance on char particles, for determining tem
perature variation with particle size; and c) assumption of plug flow
for the interstitial gas. The improved computer code was evaluated by
being applied to prediction of the behaviour of a pilot-scale fluidise
d-bed combustor, followed by comparison of its predictions with measur
ements and also with the results predicted by the previous code. The c
omputer code replaces the conventional numerical integration of the an
alytical solution of population balance with direct integration in ODE
form, by using a powerful integrator LSODE; this results in a reducti
on of CPU time by two orders of magnitude. For the prediction of physi
cally expected variation of char hold-up with excess air, an energy ba
lance on char particles must be incorporated into the system model. Co
mparison of the predicted and measured temperature and concentration p
rofiles shows that the present code produces better agreement than the
previous one in bed-concentration profiles.