One of the major mechanisms permitting intracellular pathogens to para
sitize macrophages is their ability to alter maturation of the phagoso
me or affect its physical integrity. These processes are opposed by th
e host innate and adaptive immune defenses, and in many instances mono
nuclear phagocytes can be stimulated with appropriate cytokines to res
trict the growth of the microorganisms within the phagosomal compartme
nt, Very little is known about the effects that cytokines have on phag
osome maturation, Here we have used green fluorescent protein (GFP)-la
beled mycobacteria and a fixable acidotropic probe, LysoTracker Red DN
D-99, to monitor maturation of the mycobacterial phagosome, The macrop
hage compartments that stained with the LysoTracker probe were examine
d first. This dye was found to colocalize preferentially with the late
endosomal and lysosomal markers rab7 and Lamp1, and with a fluid phas
e marker chased into the late endosomal compartments. In contrast, Lys
oTracker showed only a minor overlap with the early endosomal marker r
ab5. Pathogenic mycobacteria are believed to reside in nonacidified va
cuoles sequestered away from late endosomal compartments as a part of
their intracellular survival strategy. We examined the status of mycob
acterial phagosomes in macrophages from IL-10 knockout mice, in quiesc
ent cells, and in mononuclear phagocytes stimulated with the macrophag
e-activating cytokine IFN-gamma. When macrophages were derived from th
e bone marrow of transgenic IL-10 mice lacking this major deactivating
cytokine, colocalization of GFP-fluorescing mycobacteria with the Lys
oTracker staining appeared enhanced, suggestive of increased acidifica
tion of the mycobacterial phagosome relative to macrophages from norma
l mice, When bone marrow-derived macrophages from normal mice or a J77
4 murine macrophage cell line were stimulated with IFN-gamma and LPS,
this resulted in increased colocalization of mycobacteria and LysoTrac
ker, but no statistically significant enhancement was observed in IL-1
0 transgenic animals, These studies are consistent with the interpreta
tion that proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines affect matura
tion of mycobacterial phagosomes, Although multiple mechanisms are lik
ely to be at work, we propose the existence of a direct link between c
ytokine effects on the host cell and phagosome maturation in the macro