Characteristics of beans and effects of cooking time on yield, composi
tion and particle size of unsweetened paste were evaluated in two type
s of azuki, Cultivar Erimo was smaller in seed size, lower in starch b
ut higher in protein content. Consequently, this cultivar absorbed wat
er faster and to a greater extent during soaking and cooking, and requ
ired shorter cooking time than large seeded WSU 262, Over 40% of unswe
etened paste particles were smaller than 106 mu m for cv Erimo and les
s than 25% for WSU 262, As cooking time increased, paste yield ranged
from 68.6% to 71.9% for cv Erimo and from 57.3% to 74.2% for WSU 262.
Sedimentation volume of unsweetened azuki paste correlated with partic
les smaller than 106 mu m (r = 0.918) and can be a useful test to esti
mate mean particle size of unsweetened azuki paste.