Apoptosis is a critical feature of the development of multicellular or
ganisms. CD95-mediated apoptosis plays important roles in the immune h
omeostasis: maintaining of peripheral tolerance, downregulation of imm
une reactions via the elimination of activated lymphocytes after they
have responded to foreign antigens, and mediating T cell cytotoxicity.
CD95 is a member of TNF/NGF receptor superfamily and exists in transm
embrane and soluble forms. Malfunction of CD95 system causes lymphopro
liferative disorders and accelerates autoimmune diseases. The review s
ummarizes recent data on intracellular pathways leading from membrane
CD95 receptor engagement to apoptotic cell death, modulation of CD95 e
xpression and function via antigen receptors and coreceptor molecules
on T and B lymphocytes. CD95 plays a dual role showing the ability to
mediate either stimulatory or apoptotic signals depending on the stage
of lymphocyte differentiation and activation. Expression and function
CD95 on malignant cells at leukemias and lymphomas is of diagnostic s
ignificance and also is involved in pathogenesis of neoplasms. Knowled
ge of the ways for CD95 modulation on the surface of normal and neopla
stic lymphocytes will open a new approaches to immunotherapy of leukem
ias and lymphomas.