The isolation and identification of maysin and two of its analogues, 3
'-methoxymaysin and apimaysin (3'M+A), in the silks of corn, Zea mays
L., has given plant breeders a new tool for reducing damage by larvae
of the corn earworm, Nelicoverpa tea (Boddie). This study was initiate
d to examine the inheritance of these compounds so that a logical cour
se for developing germplasm with high concentrations can be determined
. Incorporation of the compounds into corn hybrids for the southern US
A can then proceed. Twelve inbred lines were crossed in all combinatio
ns and evaluated for maysin and the sum of 3'-methoxymaysin plus apima
ysin concentrations in their silks. Analysis of data from 2 yr by Grim
ing's Method 3 Model I revealed that reciprocal and maternal effects m
ere not significantly different from zero. Subsequent pooling of recip
rocal crosses in a Gardner-Eberhart Analysis If gave significant main
effects (P < 0.01) and Sears x entries interactions (P < 0.05). Furthe
r partitioning of the variation established additive effects as the pr
edominant source of genetic variation among the 66 crosses evaluated.
Selection for increased maysin and (3'-methoxymaysin plus apimaysin) c
oncentrations in corn silks should be successful by means of a simple
backcrossing procedure or routine recurrent selection within a populat
ion. One or two inbreds, among the 12 tested, appear to be good candid
ates for establishing a selection program because they have both good
general and specific combining ability. Maysin concentration and the s
um of its analogues 3'-methoxymaysin and apimaysin are closely correla
ted in corn silks (r = 0.81, P < 0.01).