A more thorough understanding of the mechanisms associated with the ca
use and pathophysiology of endometriosis may help in the development o
f new diagnostic and therapeutic methods for the management of endomet
riosis. Research has begun to enhance our understanding of endometrios
is by demonstrating the differences and similarites between eutopic an
d ectopic endometrium, and by characterizing the peritoneal environmen
t. Animal models have been developed and validated to conduct studies
that are ethically impossible in women. Recently, cell culture models,
using purified populations of cells from endometriotic lesions, have
provided an appropriate in vitro endometriosis model to study the lang
uage by which cells communicate; to evaluate the biochemical effects o
f steroids, growth factors, pharmacological agents and immunomodulator
y agents on the cells; and to study the effects of endometriosis on re