BACKGROUND. Kaiser Permanente (KP) is a large health maintenance organ
ization (HMO) operating in 14 states and caring for 8,000,000 members
in hundreds of facilities staffed by thousands of physicians and suppo
rt personnel. Cancer care is provided to these KP members as part of t
he health care package. METHODS. KP insures members for all their heal
th care needs and provides needed services in their own facilities exc
ept in rare circumstances. Professional services are provided by physi
cians of the Permanente Medical Groups, locally governed groups of phy
sicians contractually bound to Kaiser Permanente by capitation agreeme
nts. These agreements cover the full range of services for cancer and
all other diseases. KP uses evidence-based guidelines to rationalize t
he provision and delivery of medical care for its members. A large inv
estment in technology has allowed these guidelines to be generally ava
ilable on local intranets and has facilitated the development of a com
puterized medical record and linkages to multiple clinical and adminis
trative databases for all providers. Several of the KP regions have st
rong commitments to research in the public domain and have integrated
this effort into the clinical practice of oncology, particularly in cl
inical trials in cancer treatment and prevention. Research efforts als
o exist in the areas of cancer epidemiology and outcomes. RESULTS. Can
cer care is integrated fully into the comprehensive medical care provi
ded the KP member. Health benefits cover the full range of cancer prev
ention and treatment without distinction by diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS. Wi
thin the broad range of health care options in the U.S., KP represents
a good example of the value of a large HMO to deliver comprehensive g
eneral medical and oncologic care. (C) 1998 American Cancer Society.