World spinors are objects that transform w.r.t. double covering group
<(Diff)over bar>(4, R) of tie Group of General Coordinate Transformati
ons. The basic mathematical results and the corresponding physical int
erpretation concerning these, infinite-dimensional, spinorial represen
tations are reviewed. The role of groups Diff(4, R), GA(4, R), GL(4, R
), SL(4, R), SO(3, 1) and the corresponding covering groups is pointed
out. New results on the infinite dimensionality of spinorial represen
tations, explicit construction of the <(SL)over bar>(4, R) representat
ions in the basis of finite-dimensional non-unitary SL(2, C) represent
ations, SL(4, R) representation regrouping of tensorial and spinorial
fields of an arbitrary spin lagrangian field theory, as well as its SL
(5, R) generalization in the case of infinite-component world spinor a
nd tensor field theories are presented.