This paper presents the results of applying kriging to the major inorg
anic ions from a bulk deposition network on the eastern coast of Spain
that has been in operation for more than two years (October 1989 to D
ecember 1992). From the calculated variograms spatial correlation up t
o 70-130 km has been found, depending on the ion. The most suitable mo
dels of variograms have been found for sulphates and marine ions (chlo
ride, sodium). Nitrates and pH correlates only at smaller distances. F
or calcium and pH additional to the correlation at smaller distances,
a correlation at distances around 140 km was found. The nugget effect
was high for most variograms, suggesting the importance of local influ
ences in rain chemistry in the area. In general, most of the ions foll
ow a spatial pattern that gives the highest values in the south and th
e lowest in the north inland part of the area of study. It is possible
to discern different spatial patterns according to the ions and their
main sources: A pattern following the coastline with decreasing value
s from the coast to inland was followed by chloride, sodium, magnesium
and nitrate ions; a pattern divided into four areas, two with pH < 6.
2 and less than 220 mu eq L-1 for calcium and another two zones that s
urpass these values. Finally total sulphate and non-marine sulphate fo
llow a pattern half-way between the previous patterns.