Cyclooxygenase (COX), first purified in 1976 and cloned in 1988, is th
e key enzyme in the synthesis of prostaglandins (PGs) from arachidonic
acid. In 1991, several laboratories identified a product from a secon
d gene with COX activity and called it COX-2. However, COX-2 was induc
ible, and the inducing stimuli included pro-inflammatory cytokines and
growth factors, implying a role for COX-2 in both inflammation and co
ntrol of cell growth. The two isoforms of COX are almost identical in
structure but have important differences in substrate and inhibitor se
lectivity and in their intracellular locations. Protective PGs, which
preserve the integrity of the stomach lining and maintain normal renal
function in a compromised kidney, are synthesized by COX-1. In additi
on to the induction of COX-2 in inflammatory lesions, it is present co
nstitutively in the brain and spinal cord, where it may be involved in
nerve transmission, particularly that for pain and fever. PGs made by
COX-2 are also important in ovulation and in the birth process. The d
iscovery of COX-2 has made possible the design of drugs that reduce in
flammation without removing the protective PGs in the stomach and kidn
ey made by COX-1. These highly selective COX-2 inhibitors may not only
be anti-inflammatory but may also be active in colon cancer and Alzhe
imer's disease.