WE report two functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments which
reveal similarities and differences between perceptual and imaginal ne
tworks within the single visual submodality of colour. The first exper
iment contrasted viewing of a coloured and grey-scale Mondrian display
, while the second contrasted a relative colour judgement with a spati
al task and required the generation of mental images. Our results show
that colour perception activates the posterior fusiform gyrus bilater
ally (area V4), plus right-sided anterior fusiform and lingual gyri, s
triate cortex (area V1), and the left and right insula. Colour imagery
activated right anterior fusiform gyrus, left insula, right hippocamp
us and parahippocampal gyrus, but not V4 or V1. The findings reconcile
neurological case studies suggesting a double dissociation between de
ficits in colour imagery and perception and point to anterior fusiform
, parahippocampal gyri and hippocampus as the location for stored repr
esentations of coloured objects. (C) 1998 Rapid Science Ltd.