A. Huge et al., A MODEL TO INVESTIGATE POSTOPERATIVE ILEUS WITH STRAIN-GAUGE TRANSDUCERS IN AWAKE RATS, The Journal of surgical research, 74(2), 1998, pp. 112-118
Background. Postoperative ileus influences patients well-being, hospit
al stay, and health cost, and postoperative inhibition of colonic moti
lity is a major contributor to postoperative ileus. Experimental model
s for investigating postoperative ileus are needed. In particular, rec
ording of postoperative colonic motility in awake rats has not been de
scribed yet. Material and Methods. Gastric, small intestinal, and colo
nic motility were recorded with strain gauge transducers in awake rats
, and the effects of anesthesia and abdominal surgery on gastrointesti
nal motility were investigated. Results. Ether anesthesia increased ga
stric motility and inhibited small intestinal motility, while enfluran
e anesthesia had only minor effects on gastrointestinal motility. Abdo
minal surgery inhibited gastric, small intestinal, and colonic motilit
y, and a detailed analysis of gastrointestinal motility in our postope
rative ileus model is given. Conclusions. We established a model to re
cord gastric, small intestinal, and colonic motility in awake rats pos
toperatively. We could demonstrate that enflurane anesthesia had Littl
e effect on gastrointestinal motility, while laparotomy and short mani
pulation of the cecum produced a prolonged inhibition of gastrointesti
nal motility. Our model could be used to investigate postoperative ile
us, particularly of the colon, in awake rats. (C) 1998 Academic Press.