The binding thermodynamics of the HIV-1 protease inhibitor acetyl peps
tatin and the substrate Val-Ser-Gln-Asn-Tyr-Pro-Ile-Val-Gln, correspon
ding to one of the cleavage sites in the gag, gag-pol polyproteins, ha
ve been measured by direct microcalorimetric analysis. The results ind
icate that the binding of the peptide substrate or peptide inhibitor i
s entropically driven; i.e., it is characterized by an unfavorable ent
halpy and a favorable entropy change, in agreement with a structure-ba
sed thermodynamic analysis based upon an empirical parameterization of
the energetics. Dissection of the binding enthalpy indicates that the
intrinsic interactions are favorable and that the unfavorable enthalp
y originates from the energy cost of rearranging the flap region in th
e protease molecule. In addition, the binding is coupled to a negative
heat capacity change. The dominant binding force is the increase in s
olvent entropy that accompanies the burial of a significant hydrophobi
c surface. Comparison of the binding energetics obtained for the subst
rate with that obtained for synthetic nonpeptide inhibitors indicates
that the major difference is in the magnitude of the conformational en
tropy change. In solution, the peptide substrate has a higher flexibil
ity than the synthetic inhibitors and therefore suffers a higher confo
rmational entropy loss upon binding. This higher entropy loss accounts
for the lower binding affinity of the substrate. On the other hand, d
ue to its higher flexibility, the peptide substrate is more amenable t
o adapt to backbone rearrangements or subtle conformational changes in
duced by mutations in the protease. The synthetic inhibitors are less
flexible, and their capacity to adapt is more restricted. The expected
result is a more pronounced effect of mutations on the binding affini
ty of the synthetic inhibitors. On the basis of the thermodynamic diff
erences in the mode of binding of substrate and synthetic inhibitors,
it appears that a key factor to understanding resistance is given by t
he relative balance of the different forces that contribute to the bin
ding free energy and, in particular, the balance between conformationa
l and solvation entropy.