A novel primitive cell structure for high-performance hardware realiza
tion of fuzzy computations is proposed in this paper. Such a cell stru
cture is called generic LR fuzzy cell because it is an integral unit t
hat encapsulates an LR fuzz) set and a basic fuzzy operation such as i
mplication or arithmetic operation. Based on the proposed cell structu
re, we can develop two major kinds of fuzzy cell-LR fuzzy implication
cell and LR fuzzy arithmetic cell-for the systematic synthesis of fuzz
y application specific integrated circuits (ASIC's) or general purpose
d fuzzy processors. The fuzzy systems synthesized with LR fuzzy cells
possess the characteristics of decentralized knowledge manipulations a
nd massively parallel inference. The system expandability and reconfig
urability are also warrantable. This paper emphasizes on the design an
d application of fuzzy implication cell. The LR fuzzy implication cell
is implemented with analog current mode technology. By this technolog
y, an implication cell has the characteristics including small circuit
area, high performance, low-power dissipation, etc. Moreover, the imp
lication cell manipulates continuous data so that the realization of a
pure fuzzy system is possible. In this paper, the key circuit charact
eristics of fuzzy implication cell are evaluated in details and there
are two cases-fuzzy knowledge system and fuzzy mean filter-implemented
to confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of fuzzy hardware synthes
is by the LR fuzzy cells.