Saudi society has witnessed massive changes in a short period of time.
This paper investigates the impact of these changes on the Saudi fami
ly in general and women in particular. Data were collected from questi
onnaires and interviews of 95 Saudi working women in Riyadh city, the
capital of Saudi Arabia. This study reports that not all aspects of th
e Saudi family have changed in the same degree. Marital aspects such a
s housing, home appliances, furniture, and brideprice have changed fas
ter than cultural ones, such as marriage pattern, roles, attitudes tow
ards the sexual division of labor and authority in the family. One imp
ortant change, however, that has taken place in the Saudi family is th
e dynamic of the marital relationship Whereas traditionally this relat
ionship was characterized by the exaggerated respect wives were expect
ed to show their husbands in their daily interactions, nowadays a mutu
al respect and understanding is increasingly evident in the relationsh
ip. It is important to note that women's attitudes towards equality be
tween the sexes tend to be more progressive than those of men. Moreove
r, different expectations have caused role conflict in the family and
an increase in the divorce rate. Though men have lost some of their so
cial and religious authority in the family, their economic and general
authority remains intact. The Saudi family is a male-dominated instit
ution with the important decisions still being made by men. Cultural n
orms, civil rules, juridical legislations, support men's authority in
the family and society.