Ovarian germ cell tumors (OGCT) are a special type of ovarian cancers
due to their histology, age of presentation, prognosis and treatment.
Material and Methods: Eighteen cases of OGCT out of 313 total ovarian
cancer diagnosed in Hospital Materno-Infantil Vall d'Hebredn between 1
975 and 1994 are present. Results: Mean age of the patients was 36 yea
rs. The most frequent symptom at diagnosis was abdominal bloating (44.
5%). Echography was the most used diagnostic method (67%). Surgery was
conservative in 44% of the cases, radical in 50% of the cases and pal
liative in one case, The histological types were 6 dysgerminomas and 6
malignant teratomas (33.3%), 3 malignant dermoid cysts (16.7%), 2 yol
k sac tumors (11%) and 1 embryonal carcinoma. According to FIGO 1987 s
taging classification 14 patients were in stage I disease and 4 in sta
ge III disease. Polychemotherapy was performed on 6 patients and posts
urgical radiotherapy was performed on 2 patients. Five patients recurr
ed in an average time of 25 months. The five-year survival rate, accor
ding to the Kaplan-Meier method, was 80% in stage I and 0% in stage II
I. Five-year survival rate of patients only surgically treated was 65%
and in patients who underwent postsurgical co-adjuvant treatment it w
as 100%. Conclusion: Conservative surgery followed by a BEP regimen ma
y be performed nowadays with efficacy and acceptable toxicity while co
nserving the fertility of these patients.