Attraction of Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica Newman, to 17 compou
nds typical of those released by undamaged and insect-damaged angiospe
rm leaves was compared in replicated field trials. Eight compounds att
racted significantly more beetles than did an unbaited trap; however,
the 2 most attractive single compounds, phenylacetonitrile and (Z)-jas
mone, were only approximate to 10% as effective as geraniol, a compone
nt of commercial lures. Progressive pairwise addition of less attracti
ve volatiles to a blend of phenylacetonitrile and (Z)-jasmone resulted
in increasing beetle capture. The relative attractiveness of blends o
f conifer/eucalyptus, fruit-like, and floral odors, plus a complete mi
xture of these, also was tested. Although the floral, fruit-like, and
complete mixtures captured more beetles than did the conifer/eucalyptu
s blend or phenylacetonitrile alone, our results suggest that this pol
yphagous insect is likely to be attracted to many naturally occurring
plant volatiles, and that as the number of components in a volatile bl
end increases, so Rill its attractiveness. The complete mixture of vol
atile compounds also attracted more green June beetles, Cotinis nitida
(L)., than did the fruit-like, floral, or conifer/eucalyptus blends.