During the period 1988 to 1993, the migration of radionuclides Sr-85,
Cs-134/137 and Co-60 in unsaturated Chinese loess was studied with the
purpose of establishing a safety assessment method for shallow land d
isposal of low level radioactive waste. In-situ tracer tests, laborato
ry simulation tests and laboratory batch experiments were carried out.
Artificial rainfall and natural rainfall conditions were used in the
in-situ tracer tests to obtain the concentration distributions of thes
e radionuclides in the medium as a function of precipitation. Destruct
ive and non-destructive determination methods were used to obtain the
concentration distributions of these radionuclides in a laboratory sim
ulation column. The distribution coefficients of these radionuclides w
ere pre-determined with laboratory batch experiments. Laboratory simul
ation tests indicated that most Sr-85 migrated down to a depth of 6.0
to 12.0 cm, while both Cs-134 and Co-60 remain at the origin when the
1-year simulation test is completed. In-situ tests indicated that when
the 2-year in-situ tests were completed, under both natural and artif
icial rainfall conditions, the positions of peak concentrations of bot
h Co-60 and Cs-134 are less than 1 cm from their origin. Under natural
rainfall conditions, the position of peak concentration of Sr-85 is a
lso less than 1 cm from the origin, while under artificial rainfall co
nditions, the peak position of Sr-85 had moved down to a depth of abou
t 6 cm.