Eutrophication is the result of overfertilisation of the aquatic envir
onment. In other words, the detrimental effects derived from increased
anthropogenic release of nutrients to the environment. By modern conc
epts of environmental abatement this is no longer only a question of i
dentifying and purifying discharges. It is a question of keeping track
of the system of nutrient mining, utilisation, recycle, transport, co
nversion, containment and release in the modern society - in effect, t
he total balance of nutrients in society. In Denmark, the point source
s of nutrient release have been reduced by an order of magnitude. That
has contributed to some improvements, but the diffuse sources have tu
rned out to be more significant than originally expected. They are har
der to reduce. That is why more integrated approaches have to be analy
sed. Four approaches will be analysed: the DPSIR-approach, the 5-optio
ns approach, the cause-effect relationship and the material balance an
alysis. (C) 1998 IAWQ. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.