Biomimetic analogues 1 of the microbial siderophore (iron carrier) fer
richrome were labeled via piperazine with various fluorescent markers
at a site not interfering with iron binding or receptor recognition (c
ompounds 10-12). These iron carriers were built from a tetrahedral car
bon symmetrically extended with three strands, each containing an amin
o acid (G = glycyl, A = alanyl, L = leucyl and P = phenylalanyl) and t
erminated by a hydroxamic acid, which together define an octahedral ir
on-binding domain. A fourth exogenous strand provided the site for con
necting various fluorescent markers via a short bifunctional linker. I
ron(III) titrations, along with fluorescence spectroscopy, generated q
uenching of fluorescence emission of some of the probes used. The quen
ching process fits the Perrin model which reinforces the intramolecula
r quenching process, postulated previously.(1) All tested compounds, r
egardless of their probe size, polarity, or the linker binding them to
the siderophore analogue, promote growth of Pseudomonas putida with t
he same efficacy as the nonlabeled analogues 1, with the added benefit
of signaling microbial activity by fluorescence emission. All G deriv
atives of compounds 10-12 were found to parallel the behavior of natur
al ferrichrome, whereas A derivatives mediated only a modest iron(III)
uptake by P. putida. Incubation of various Pseudomonas strains with i
ron(III)-loaded G derivatives resulted in the build-up of the labels'
fluorescence in the culture medium to a much larger extent than from t
he corresponding A derivatives. The fluorescence buildup corresponds t
o iron utilization by the cells and the release of the fluorescent lab
eled desferrisiderophore from the cell to the media. The fact that the
microbial activity of these compounds is not altered by attachment of
various fluorescent markers via a bifunctional linker proposes their
application as diagnostic tools for detecting and identifying pathogen
ic microorganisms.