A case of cryptococcal rib osteomyelitis in a pediatric patient is des
cribed. Isolated cryptococcal osteomyelitis in pediatric patients is a
rare entity, and only 10 cases have been reported in the literature.
The radiological findings are reviewed to include chest films, nuclear
bone scan, and computed tomographic imaging scan. Because of its rari
ty, the management of isolated cryptococcal osteomyelitis is controver
sial. Although antifungal antibiotics and surgery are the two therapeu
tic options, the treatment of cryptococcal osteomyelitis has not been
standardized yet. This patient was treated successfully with limited r
esection of the involved rib and antifungal chemotherapy. This article
describes the second case in the literature of cryptococcal rib osteo
myelitis in a pediatric patient, reviews the literature of similar cas
es, and evaluates the current role of surgery in its treatment. Copyri
ght (C) 1998 by W.B. Saunders Company.