In the design of cellular and microcellular telecommunication networks
, it is common to consider service to subscribers in specific regions
by more than a single base station. Although the service overlap provi
des certain advantages, such as performance improvement achieved in dy
namic channel assignment, it results in a large variance in the qualit
y of service across the cells, In this paper, we introduce channel res
triction to achieve fairness in the network quality of service. We dev
elop analytical and simulation models for network performance and exam
ine the advantages gained in increased system throughput and reduced p
robability of handover failure. The numerical results indicate that re
stricting the number of available channels to users in the overlap reg
ion results in considerable improvement in the carried traffic and mea
n probability of blocking, Finally, we discuss the possibility of subs
tituting or scaling down the guard channels with channel restriction t
o achieve the desired effect of reduced forced termination.