In order to understand the individual charged particle behavior as wel
l as plasma macroparameters (temperature, density, etc.) during the ad
iabatic major radius compression (R-compression) in a tokamak, a kinet
ic approach is used. The perpendicular electric field from the Ohm's l
aw at zero resistivity is made use of in order to describe particle mo
tion during the R-compression. Expressions for both passing and trappe
d particle energy and pitch angle change are derived for a plasma with
high aspect ratio and circular magnetic surfaces. The particle behavi
or near the passing trapped boundary during the compression is studied
to simulate the compression-induced collisional losses of alpha parti
cles. Qualitative agreement is obtained with the alphas loss measureme
nts in deuterium-tritium (D-T) experiments in the Tokamak Fusion Test
Reactor (TFTR) [World Survey of Activities in Controlled Fusion Resear
ch [Nucl. Fusion special supplement (1991)] (Internation at Atomic Ene
rgy Agency, Vienna, 1991)]. The plasma macroparameters evolution at th
e R-compression is calculated by solving the gyroaveraged drift kineti
c equation. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.