We present a thermodynamic model for fluorozirconate melts which takes
into consideration the strong negative deviation from ideality manife
sted by deep eutectic wells in phase diagrams and exothermic heats of
mixing. The model is based on chemical equilibria between complexes wi
th 6-8-fold coordination of Zr. Only 6-coordinated complexes are prese
nt in the glass-forming regions. The results of the thermodynamic mode
l are related to structural data obtained by infrared and Raman spectr
oscopy. Frequencies of Zr-F stretching vibrations have been found to d
ecrease with increasing n(F)/n(Zr) ratio for both melts and glasses, w
hich indicates either an increasing Zr coordination number or decrease
d connectivity between ZrFn, polyhedra. At constant n(F)/n(Zr) ratio t
he stretching frequencies increase significantly going from the glass
to the melt. We propose that the coordination number of Zr in fluorozi
rconate glasses is decreasing significantly when heating above the gla
ss transition temperature. The fragility of fluorozirconate glasses sh
own by the non-Arrhenius behaviour of the viscosity is thereby explain
ed by a decreasing coordination number of Zr causing the connectivity
between ZrFn polyhedra to decrease. The viscosity of fluorozirconate m
elts demonstrates that the fragility is not very sensitive to changes
in composition. However, both the glass transition temperature and the
viscosity increase with increasing charge of the counter-cations.