Objective. To evaluate arterial lactate levels during treatment of acu
te severe asthma (ASA) and the prognostic value of arterial hyperlacta
temia in ASA. Design: Prospective study. Setting: A respiratory intens
ive care unit (ICU) of a university hospital. Patients: 29 consecutive
patients admitted to the ICU for ASA not intubated on admission and w
ith a peak expiratory flow (PEF) < 150 l/min or an arterial carbondiox
ide tension (PaCO2) > 40 mm Hg. All patients received standardized tre
atment during the first 24 h including i.v. and nebulized salbutamol,
i.v. theophylline, and dexamethasone. Measurements and results: Arteri
al lactate levels were serially measured by an enzymatic method during
the first 24 h following admission. On admission, the mean arterial l
actate level was 3.1 +/- 0.38 mmol/l (range 1.1-10.4); 17 patients (59
%) had arterial hyperlactatemia with a lactate level > 2 mmol/l. No di
fference was found in lactate levels between patients with progressive
ly worsening asthma and those with an acute onset of severe asthma. No
correlation was found between arterial lactate levels on admission, o
n the one hand, and respiratory rate (RR), heart rate, PEF, pH, PaCO2,
arterial oxygen tension, potassium, phosphorus, creatine kinase, or t
ransaminase values on admission, on the other hand. All patients devel
oped an important but transient increase in arterial lactate levels du
ring treatment, with a peak at 7.72 +/- 0.46 mmol/l and a mean elevati
on of 4.62 +/- 0.45 mmol/l (range 0.4-12.1), from the initial admissio
n value contrasting with a significant clinical improvement assessed b
y RR, PEF, and arterial blood gas parameters. Conclusion: This study s
uggests that, in ASA, arterial hyperlactatemia is frequently present o
n admission to the ICU. Delayed hyperlactatemia is a constant finding
during treatment of ASA. Initial or delayed hyperlactatemia seems of n
o prognostic value because none of the patients required mechanical ve
ntilation, The effects of therapy for acute asthma on lactate metaboli
sm still need to be studied.