For the one-locus m-allele case we give a definition of an Evolutionar
ily Stable Allele Distribution (ESAD) for sexual populations, such tha
t the associated game dynamics is a modified Fisher selection equation
. For the ESAD we prove some basic statements which are parallel to th
ose known in classical ESS theory. For an illustration, considering a
two-allele dominant inheritance, we show that, if there is only a game
-theoretical conflict within the population land no Fisher type select
ion) then the ESS of the asexual population and the ESAD of the sexual
one provide the same phenotype distribution. We also give an example
of a two-allele non-dominant inheritance where the phenotype distribut
ions corresponding to ESS and ESAD differ, the mean fitnesses of the t
wo populations at their evolutionarily stable states, however, are equ
al. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.